Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bridgetown, Barbados has free wi-fi in terminal

It's painfully slow, but the price is right!

Friday, December 9
St. Georges, Grenada

We started out the day with an interesting sight. We usually meet on the back deck for breakfast. This morning at 7:00 a.m. we were treated to the sight of a woman in her pajamas going to the bar to order a drink. (We didn't even know the bar was open that early!) She kept on drinking and was soon joined by some other women in their pajamas who were also drinking. Interesting.

Anyway, we had our breakfast and then went into town. I was still in search of some sort of garland for our mirror and found some in the local grocery store. Then we wandered around looking for a batik store, but we were going the wrong way. By this time Beth declared she had lost interest and was going back to the ship. Carolyn and I headed off in the other direction which involved climbing a very steep hill. After climbing the hill, it dropped back down at a precipitous rate. We checked with a local bank guard and we were indeed on the right track. So down we went and there was the batik store. They have very nice stuff, all made on the island. We both got a top.

Then we continued down the hill to the carenage and walked along looking at the scenery. I had read that there was a place called Dot's that sold spices. Found it and bought the spices and chocolate there. Dot recommended a place down the road a bit to have a refreshing drink. Carolyn had her usual Coke Zero and I had fresh-squeezed passion fruit juice. Yummy. Ran into Karen and JR.

The woman who ran the place gave us directions on how to walk back through the tunnel so as not to have to climb the hill again! It's a very narrow tunnel (over a hundred years old) and the cars and pedestrians share the roadway. Close quarters. When you're going back to town, you are not facing the traffic. She recommended that if we encountered a pedestrian coming the other way we should stand sideways to the wall and let them step out into the traffic since they were facing the oncoming traffic. Interesting experience! And we lived to tell the tale.

Once back in town, Carolyn wanted to acquire some spice necklaces, so we headed for the spice market. Just before we got there, we ran into a woman who was selling some very fresh ones at a good price, so we bought her entire stock and then did not have to endure the spice market where everyone is desperate to sell you something.

Then back to the ship to cool off in the AC—really hot and humid here today. After lunch I decided to go back into the terminal in search of free wi-fi since I had seen lots of folks hanging around with computers. It was fairly slow, but it's slow on the ship as well and frightfully expensive, although I get 90 free minutes.

Came back to the ship and we had another round of Sequence. This time it was a bit closer—Peg and I won 2 out of 3 games.

Formal night tonight—another good dinner. Beth won big time in the casino and came back to put her winnings in the safe and couldn't get it open. Had to call Guest Relations to come and open it.

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