Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday, February 3 musings

Slept well in my own bed last night and didn't wake up until 9 a.m.

Went out to pick up my mountain of held mail.  If the postal service really wanted to provide a great service, it would trash all the junk mail.  I can't believe all the cruise porn I get.  (For the unitiated, that's brochures touting various cruises.)  What's interesting is that I get it from all the cruiselines but the one I regularly cruise.  Guess they know they've got me!  And the others are trying to get me to jump ship, so to speak.

Got gas and groceries and went to the library to get some books they were holding for me.  Going to the library involves a longer trip now that they have closed the small branch library where I've been going for about 40 years.  Its replacement won't be open for a year!  So I have to go to the main library which is the next closest one.  Don't know where anything is, although admittedly they have a much larger selection of things.  Although that really doesn't matter these days, because one has access to the entire collection online.

Maybe tomorrow I'll start unpacking all the way too much stuff I took along.  Took tons of stuff because I could, because I had a car.  What I learned is that you have to haul the stuff into a hotel each night and back out to the car the next morning.  That got old really quick and I learned to pare down to essentials.  The rest just lived in the trunk for the bulk of the trip.  Plus the more stuff you have, the more likely you are to leave something behind.  Witness the lost underwear saga.  I really have no idea where I might have left that.  I did check with the hotel in Santa Barbara where we stayed for 4 nights, but they said they hadn't found it.  I remember at one point getting a smaller amount out to use and that's the last I remember.  Oh well, now I get to shop for new underwear!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home and good for you! We do need to talk soon; I was inspired by your gutsy trip!
