Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Two of road trip

Get up in the morning to find it has snowed overnight. Great. Thought I was leaving Minnesota to escape the snow and cold.

Something I forgot from yesterday. Iowa's rest stops are funny. There will be a sign that says, “Rest stop. Parking only.” Then there will be a sign indicating that there is a “modern” rest stop X number of miles down the road. Lo and behold the modern rest stops have wi-fi! That's definitely modern.

Today I passed through the Flint Hills region in Kansas on the Kansas Turnpike (I-35). When I stopped to pay my toll at the end of the Kansas Turnpike ($6), I asked the woman what had happened to my tax dollars which are supposed to fund the interstate highway system. She said they had been spent on the adjacent bumpy roads and that the turnpike “takes care of itself.” Hmm.

Kansas has all kinds of buildings along the highway that look like Monet haystacks. No clue what they are. Anybody from Kansas care to enlighten me?

After Wichita, I started seeing green fields. It's the dead of winter. The temp is 36 and the windchill is ferocious. How can there be green fields???

Also started spotting oil wells.

OK, Toto, we're not in Kansas any more. The sign at the beginning of Oklahoma just says OKLAHOMA. No welcome or any of that extraneous nonsense.

Spent the night with my friend, Heidi, in Norman. Another friend, Carolyn, came up from Texas to join us. She had to drive through snow. What's with all this snow??? Anyway, we both got there around 2:00 p.m. and had a great time visiting and remembering the good times we had on our impromptu girlfriends' cruise to Alaska in May.

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