Monday, April 29, 2013

Getting ready to leave...

'Twas the night before travel
and all through the house
were scattered lots of things
that once seemed essential
but now won't fit in the suitcases!
Some inappropriate language has
been heard from time to time.
I'm outta here in the morning
with whatever landed in the suitcases!

Have I said before that I hate packing?  Just want to be clear about that.  I HATE packing!  Need to figure out the beam me up Scotty trick for stuff to take on a trip.

Sad to learn this morning that our friends Karen and JR won't be able to join us--was so looking forward to seeing them again.  Must be disappointing for them to have to cancel as well.

Friday, April 26, 2013

trip prep

All the snow from our latest snowstorms is melting.  I think we're going straight from winter to summer.  Now that I'm back from North Carolina, I have to get serious about packing for Europe.  Have decided to add more warm weather clothes to the mix--we are leaving from Florida, after all.  I love to travel, but I really hate packing.